About Us

Hi there! We are Justin, Megan and Silas and we love adventuring this life we have together!
Justin is the Lead Pastor at a new church, Megan has a little business selling handmade goods and Silas is a kid who spurs us on to adventure and fun everyday. When Silas was really little his favorite thing to tell us was that he “always goes the adventure way” and that quickly caught on as our family motto.

Do you wish to explore, travel and adventure through life?
Here we share everything travel related whether its exploring the town we live in, our state or elsewhere! We believe travel doesn’t have to break the bank and it also doesn’t mean having to go a long way….travel and a life of adventure is accessible to everyone! Abundant life is found in the mundane everyday moments and the unique ones too. We would love to help you discover more wonder and adventure and help make travel easier and uncomplicated for you!
What will you find here?

North Carolina Travel
We are all about exploring and finding adventure right where you are. We are located in NC and believe traveling your state is a great way to experience adventure and travel with your family. Here you will find tons of NC travel resources! We have state park guides and day trip plans to explore!

National Parks
In addition to traveling our state we also love planning and adventuring the US and Internationally as well! Some of our favorite places to visit are National Parks and we are currently working towards checking off the 419 National Parks sites in our passport book! Check out our US Travel section for National Park reviews and guides plus weekend and weeklong US vacation destinations.

Last but not least, we love Disney Parks too! We have been Disney Annual Passholders several times over the last 3 years and have a ton of experience visiting Disney World especially.
So welcome to everyone joining us on this adventure, we are so glad you have joined us!

We would love for you to follow along here on this blog! Stay connected by signing up for our newsletter, or following along on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!